Heather Rousell

Heather Rousell

Heather Rousell is the Director of Pupil Services. Serving as the High School Guidance Counselor since 2013, Ms. Rousell became the Director of Pupil Services in 2024. She is the chair of the Committee for Preschool Education, Special Education, and helps to develop 504 plans for students. Along with that, Ms. Rousell oversees Academic Intervention Services (AIS) and the Reading and Special Education Program. She is the McKinney Vento Liason. Her role is to support and help any students experiencing homelessness. As a member of the admin team, she supports the work of our principal and superintendent.

Please feel free to contact Ms. Rousell if you have any questions!

Heather Rousell
Director of Pupil Services
Colton-Pierrepont Central School
(315) 262-2100 ext. 34429